About my work of 2003 through April 2005
The Abstract Expressionists gave us the purest expressions of being unencumbered by words. Living and acting through paint.
Many years ago when I was writing about organic design, I realized that viewing the outside of things is only an experience of the surface, and I was looking for something greater and deeper. So, at that time, I chose to write computer programs that drew organic forms from knowledge of their structure, and I felt closer to organic reality.
My art of the past few years has been evolving toward a new controlled complexity. With the iconic figures of 2003 I was dealing with more than an outward likeness of people. I was adjusting the shape, rhythm and color of the figures to provoke a deep response in myself and the viewer, using a language of sight to help us know about our humanity.
Then, in 2004, as my painting turned more toward abstraction and a re-formation of landscape themes, I again worked to get beneath the surface look of things. In these new paintings I have generally been working in layers, making an initial image and then painting over it with a second layer that learns from the first one. I often leave some of the initial forms and spaces but simplify or reshape as necessary while finding new insight and new form.
These new works, at moments, are lean with a growing language of organic strength, and at other times, exuberant with strong color and underlying complexity.
Howard Ganz
760 724-0492